Our Mission
The primary mission of Bull Creek Common Lands, Inc. (BCCL) is to conserve land in and adjacent to the Bull Creek and Grassy Brook watersheds of Southeastern Vermont. Protected lands will be managed to benefit the innate ecological value of the land and its resiliency and biodiversity.
These healthy forests and wetlands will help mitigate the effects of climate change for the communities within the two watersheds. Conserved properties are open for public access and low-impact uses that are compatible with the conservation values and within the capacity of the organization to manage.
Board of Directors
Hannah Regier, Chair, Athens, Vermont
Andy Toepfer, Treasurer, Athens, Vermont
Debra Clarke, Secretary, Athens, Vermont
We are looking for a few more board members!
Read the description here and please be in touch at hello@bullcreekcommonlands.org to learn more.
Learn more about the details of land conservation from our handouts: