Bull Creek Headwaters


Photo: Westerly view of “Wright Swamp”, an 8-acre wetland at the headwaters of the Bull Creek.

BCCL is currently working with landowners to conserve over 340 acres in the headwaters of the Bull Creek. This three-parcel, two-town project will ensure public access to these remote places. Healthy headwaters and wetlands will help to mitigate flooding downstream and keep the Bull Creek water quality high for native brook trout, people and all the wildlife that relies on it.

As of November 2024 Parcel #3 has been acquired with support from the Open Space Institute, The Nature Conservancy, Fields Pond Foundation, and generous anonymous donors.

Major funding has been awarded by the Vermont Housing and Conservation board that will enable parcels #1 and #2 to be acquired by the end of 2025, at which time a conservation easement from the Vermont Land Trust will be also placed on the full 340 acres.